FLUSH with FUNDS? Prepay Home Loan or Invest the Surplus?
In this article, I intend to cover one of the
most common dilemmas that individuals face with respect to their home loans; “Prepay or Invest?”
Through this post we wish to highlight some of
the key factors that will help you arrive at a sound decision. While it is true
that a Home Loan (or any other loan for that matter) irrespective of the
quantum, is a psychological burden that one wouldn’t want to be living with for
a lifetime, it would definitely serve us well to consider some of the Tax Benefits
and Subsidies that a Home Loan in particular offers to individuals.
Let’s understand
this with the help of a Case:
In her recently
concluded performance appraisal, Shravani, a 30-year-old, salaried employee working
at ABCD Corporation Ltd. qualified for a hefty performance linked bonus, likely
to be credited soon to her account. Shravani’s income falls in the highest tax
bracket of 30% (but short of the threshold beyond which surcharge is levied). She
has a home loan outstanding of Rs.29,50,000/- as on date and a balance tenure
of 25 years. She is servicing her loan at an Interest Rate of 7% p.a. (Annual
Percentage Rate - APR). She has no other liabilities and is financially well
Ever since the bonus
was announced, Shravani has been contemplating hard on the best possible
avenues to deploy this surplus. Whether Prepaying
the Home Loan or Investing the
Surplus makes more sense, is what she has been primarily trying to figure
Let’s help Shravani
make an informed choice.
With the information given above, one can
compute the Equated Monthly Installments (EMI), and how the EMI amount gets
split over principal and Interest.
Using the relevant TVM
functions in EXCEL, this is the output we get:
1. EMI = Rs.20,850/- p.m. (Total Annual Payment = Rs.2,50,200/-)
2. Principal = Rs.3642/-
p.m. (Total Annual Payment = Rs.43704/-)
3. Interest = Rs.17,208/-
p.m. (Total Annual Payment = Rs.2,06,496/-)
Now Let’s
understand the tax benefit that Shravani enjoys on this Home Loan:
But before we get to the actual computation, here’s
a list of the various possible benefits that one can avail on a Home Loan and
decide on the ones to be considered in this situation:
Deduction of Principal Paid u/s 80C
(Limited to Rs.1,50,000/- Annually):
80C gap gets plugged automatically in most cases by way of several qualified
expenses such as Life Insurance Premium, Children’s tuition Fees, EPF
Contributions, Home Loan Principal etc. However, since the 80C space is already
crowded with several instruments vying for a space, the limit gets exhausted
quite easily. In such a scenario, considering Deduction of Home Loan Principal as an exclusive benefit u/s 80C, might present us with a somewhat misleading picture, as such a step need not necessarily result in accrual of any incremental benefit to the individual. Thus,
despite Home Loan Principal being one of the popular deductions under 80C, in
order to maintain a conservative approach, we are not considering it for the
purpose of this case study.
Deduction of Interest Paid u/s 24B
(Limited to Rs.2,00,000/- Annually):
section 80C where many different instruments crowd the limited space available,
the benefit u/s 24B can be availed under one head only i.e. Interest Paid on Home Loan. Moreover, this is a benefit that
can be availed by individuals without too many qualifying conditions. Thus under Home Loans, Section 24B
happens to be the most widely availed benefit and hence would be apt for our
Deduction of Interest Paid u/s 80EEA
(Limited to Rs. 1,50,000/- Annually):
benefit (available over and above the
benefit u/s 24B) can be availed only subject to certain conditions being
met such as the Year of Availing the Home Loan, Stamp Duty Value of the Property,
Carpet Area of the Property, etc. Let’s
say, the individual in question doesn’t qualify to avail this benefit.
Subsidy availed under PMAY (Pradhan
Mantri Awas Yojana):
In order
to avail this benefit, among the several qualifying conditions, the individual
should meet the income criteria and must also not own any other residential
property. For the purpose of this
computation, Let’s assume, Shravani doesn’t qualify to avail this benefit.
Note: The above benefits are mutually exclusive
and can be availed subject to the eligibility conditions being met for each. It
is likely that a good number of individuals would benefit from one or two
benefits but not all of them. Hence going by the rationale stated against
each of the qualifying benefits, I
will consider only Deduction u/s 24B.
This will give us a conservative yet realistic estimate.
As per the computation, shown in Exhibit-1, Shravani pays an
interest amount of Rs.2,06,496/- Annually.
The maximum deduction on interest allowed annually u/s 24B is
Rs.2,00,000/- and hence the eligible deduction will be capped at this limit. Since
Shravani falls in the 30% tax bracket, the overall benefit here in terms of tax
savings would be Rs.62,400/- (@ 30% tax rate on Rs.2,00,000/- plus 4% Cess, and
assuming surcharge doesn’t apply)
Thus, the Net Interest Outgo for the Year = Interest Paid (Rs.) – Tax Savings on Interest Paid (Rs.)
= Rs.2,06,496 – Rs.62,400
= Rs.1,44,096/-
The Net Interest Outgo in the year as a
percentage of the Outstanding Loan Amount = 4.88% (Approx.)
Thus, for Shravani,
the Effective Cost of the Home Loan is approximately 4.88% p.a.
The question now is
whether Shravani should foreclose the loan with an effective cost as low as
this or continue servicing the loan at least for the time being, and deploy the
surplus funds elsewhere?
To arrive at a conclusive decision, we need
some more inputs on the choices available to us, if we were not to foreclose
this loan. Not going for a Pre-payment / Foreclosure would leave Shravani with several
investment options for deploying this surplus. Given below are some of the
popular investment choices and the potential returns one can expect out of
Bank FD => 3 – 4 % p.a. (Post Tax) for a person in
the Highest Tax Slab
Liquid MF =>
4 – 5 % p.a. (Post Tax)
Debt MF => 6 – 7 % p.a. (Post Tax)
Hybrid MF
=> 8 – 10% p.a. (Post Tax)
Equity MF
=> 10 – 12% p.a. (Post Tax)
Direct Equity => 12 – 14% p.a. (Post Tax)
Note: The above returns are just indicative in nature and may vary depending
on the choice of instrument, variants within each instrument category, market
conditions, etc.
Going by the indicative returns shown above, it
becomes amply clear that the only instruments that can cover the Cost of Loan
by a fairly handsome margin are Debt Funds, Hybrid MFs, Equity MFs and Direct
Equity. Bank FDs fail to cover the cost, whereas Liquid funds just about match
the cost of the Loan. However, the choice of instrument for any individual may
not always be as straightforward as stated above. Rather, it will be determined
by a series of critical factors such as the Nature of the Goal the individual
wishes to achieve, the Time in Hand to achieve the Goal, the Significance of
the Goal, and the Risk Appetite of the Individual. Once an individual has
clarity on these aspects, the returns grid just makes the final decision a touch
While doing the math, I have considered only
the most popularly availed deductions under the home loan category i.e.
Deduction u/s 24B. For those eligible to avail some of the other benefits too,
the cost of loan drops further, thereby making foreclosure or prepayment less
and less attractive.
Thus, the prevailing low rates of interest, the
tax benefits and other subsidies, all put together, leads to a significant drop
in the overall cost of the loan. Moreover, with efficient instruments available
that can fetch a rate of return much higher than the Cost of Loan, as shown in Exhibit-2 above, there’s hardly
a case for Prepayment or Premature Closure of Home Loans in this situation.
Remember, the benefits of taxation keep
diminishing as the loan amount gets higher, since the interest deduction is capped
at Rs.2,00,000/- annually. Thus the excess interest paid over and above the
capping doesn’t get any preferential tax treatment. Hence for High Value Loans,
it would be prudent to make part pre-payments (especially during High Interest
Periods) at periodic intervals to the point where the loan outstanding is just
enough to optimize the tax benefits.
About the author
Deepak Rameshan is a CFPCM professional, and has been working in the financial services domain for close to 13 years. He holds a Master’s Degree in Management Studies and a Diploma in Training & Development and has been actively engaged in Training & Content Development during this period. As a Personal Finance Enthusiast and an avid researcher of the subject, Deepak has delivered several Investor Awareness Workshops over the years covering areas such as Risk Planning & Insurance, Retirement & Goal planning, Tax Planning and a few other specialized areas. He takes keen interest in writing and has penned numerous articles for this blog, addressing some of the most relevant concerns that individuals face with respect to their finances.
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