Local Broker to Global Investor

  • Opening a Trading Account.
  • Opening a Custodian, DEMAT, & a Rupee Bank Account through a SEBI approved, Qualified Depository participant (QDP) cum Custodian.
  • Applying for a Unique Income Tax Code through such Custodian QDP.
For more assistance, get in touch with Mr. Amol Joshi - 022 40 93 4026.
Asset Class FPI
  • Listed Equities
  • Mutual Funds – Equity & Debt Schemes
  • Corporate Bonds.
Eligibility for FPI Investment

Any foreign individual or entity, resident in a country which is a member of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) & other countries with whom the Security & Exchange Board of India (SEBI) may have entered into a multilateral or bilateral agreement with, is eligible to invest in India. Also, NRIs who do not hold a PIS account or who has but closes all his/her NRI DEMAT accounts in India is eligible to invest through this route.

Procedure to Invest through FPI Route
Appoint a SEBI approved Stock Broker who will assist you in -
  • Opening a Trading Account.
  • Opening a Custodian, DEMAT, & a Rupee Bank Account through a SEBI approved, Qualified Depository participant (QDP) cum Custodian.
  • Applying for a Unique Income Tax Code through such Custodian QDP.
Commencement of Business

In about 3 to 4 weeks from the date of receipt of all the documents (FULL PACK) duly signed, the FPI will be in a position to bring in money & start investing.

The time taken is mainly in obtaining the Tax Code (PAN CARD) where processing by a 3rd party (Government Department) is involved.

Process Guidelines for FPIs
  • Based on the Analysis & advice provided by the Stock Broker or relying on his own study, the FPI can decide upon the Companies to invest in & the FPI can either place orders directly with his Stock Broker OR route it through his Custodian’s Order Management System which many Custodian QDP provide.
  • The FPI will, either way, have an access to the status of his orders & trades through an online browser based system application.
  • Post Execution of trades, the settlement of securities as well as funds will be done at Custodian End without any action from FPI’s end. The FPI will have access to comprehensive reports reflecting the trade details, & all the End of Day balances including trading account, bank account, custodian account & the DEMAT Account holdings with valuations.
  • Deduction of withholding tax & payment of the same to the Government from time to time on each sale transaction during the course of investment activity in India will be taken care of by the Custodian. In case of a situation of a refund of Tax, due to the FPI on a subsequent loss transaction, the same will have to be claimed by way of filing Income Tax Returns in India. The Stock Broker or the QDP can manage the same through a Tax Consultant at a cost if the FPI so desires.
  • Investments by FPIs are governed by overall limits which vary in case of each Asset Class. The monitoring of such limits will be the responsibility of the Custodian QDP.
  • The Funds invested through this route are fully repatriable at any point of time as per the FPIs instructions

Eligible Countries Foreign entities from the following countries are eligible to invest in the financial markets in India as FPIs:

Australia Austria Bahrain Belgium Brazil
Bulgaria Canada China Cyprus Czech Republic
Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany
Greece Hong Kong Hungary Iceland Italy
Japan Korea Lithuania Luxembourg Malta
Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Oman
Poland Portugal Romania Russia Saudi Arabia
Singapore Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Spain
Sweden Switzerland UAE UK USA
Enquire Now
To Know More
Give a Missed call on – 08045936028

+91-22-40934038 / 71 / 73
Mon to Fri - 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. (except public holidays)